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Which solution should you choose between GoCardless and Stripe?

Which solution should you choose between GoCardless and Stripe?

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

Choosing a payment gateway is a crucial step for any online business. GoCardless vs. Stripe are two renowned alternatives in this field. The simplicity of the customer interface, pricing, geographical availability and integration possibilities are among the most important criteria for choosing between the two solutions. We take a look at these criteria for you in this article.

Our opinion on GoCardless vs Stripe in a nutshell

GoCardless and Stripe are excellent payment platforms. The former is more specializing in direct debits and thus targets companies with recurring payments. Stripe is more versatile. With the addition of factoring, Hero is a more complete alternative to these two solutions.

What exactly is GoCardless?

Founded in 2011, GoCardless is a payment service renowned for simplifying direct debit. The solution claims to bypass the hazards associated with bankcards.

It has become one of the preferred payment gateways for small businesses. Causes : ease of use and competitive costs . GoCardless now has more than 75,000 companies among its customers.

What exactly is Stripe?

Stripe is a payment gateway Irish-American company founded in 2010 . It is appreciated for its ease of use and flexibility. Stripe is compatible with most e-commerce platforms on the market.

Stripe also features a robust suite of APIs, further expanding its integration potential. Its customer service is one of its key assets, accessible via :

  • Email ;

  • Phone ;

  • Direct chat 24/7.

The main features of GoCardless and Stripe

Here are the main features of GoCardless and Stripe:

User interface

Ease of use is one of the main criteria companies take into account when choosing their payment gateway. Both solutions offer an intuitive, ergonomic interface. In addition integrations are easy to use.

Stripe provides predefined pages for users looking for simplicity. However, companies wishing to set up a customized payment system can make use of the platform's API or SDKs. These development skills are necessary, however.

In addition, the platform provides free resources such as :

  • Guides ;

  • Tutorials ;

  • Community resources.

While not as extensive as Stripe, GoCardless also offers une interface simple and development tools.

Payment methods

GoCardless est une solution specifically dedicated to direct debits .

Stripe is more flexible and versatile . It accepts all credit and debit cards, as well as electronic payment wallets (Apple Pay and Google Pay, for example).

Transaction security

The two platforms are PCI-compliant, the reference standard for online payment security.

To ensure transaction security, Stripe has implemented tokenization. This device secures card data and avoids storage on company servers.

GoCardless goes one step further. In addition to tokenization, it also offers an authentication layer to ensure the customer's agreement.


Both solutions offer a wide choice of integrations.

Stripe integrates with a large number of e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce. It can also be integrated with accounting tools such as QuickBooks and Xero.

Similarly, GoCardless integrates with over 350 services like PayPal, Zendesk or Salesforce.

Geographical availability

This criterion is also decisive when choosing a payment processor. Stripe is available in 47 countries including the UK, USA and Canada. It also supports 135 currencies, compared with 8 for GoCardless.

GoCardless is mainly present in Europe, as well as in countries such as New Zealand and Australia.

Comparison of GoCardless and Stripe functionalities

Here is a table summarizing the functionalities of our two payment solutions:

Features Stripe GoCardless
Payment methods All popular payment methods Direct debits
Customer interfaces Ease of use for basic models + Customization possible, but requires good development skills Simple interface + Development tools available, but less advanced than Stripe
Third-party integrations Broader integration possibilities Integration with over 350 software packages, including Quickbooks, Sage and Xero
Geographical availability Available in 47 countries Supports 135 currencies Available in over 30 countries, mainly in Europe

GoCardless vs Stripe : comparatif des tarifs

Both solutions display transparent pricing. Here, GoCardless wins the duel for being the more affordable of the two solutions. The platform charges a minimum of only 1% on domestic transactions in addition to a flat rate of 0.20 euros.

Thus, for a transaction of 1,000 euros, you will be charged 10.2 euros. For the same amount, you pay 15.25 euros with Stripe, where transactions via European bankcards are charged at 1.25% of the amount plus a flat fee of 0.25 euros.

GoCardless offers 3 price plans :

  • Standard ;

  • Advanced ;

  • Pro (see table for details).

It is also possible to obtain a personalized plan.

The chargeback fee is 15 euros at Stripe and 7.50 euros at GoCardless.

Comparison of GoCardless and Stripe rates

Here is a table summarizing the rates for each of the two solutions for a more financially informed comparison:

GoCardless Stripe
Price plans Standard: 1% + 0.20 euros per domestic transaction 2% + 0.20 euros for international transactions OR Advanced: 1.25% + 0.20 euros per transaction 2.25% + 0.20 euros for international transactions OR Pro: 1.4% + 0.20 euros for domestic transactions 2.4% + 0.20 euros for international transactions 1.5% + €0.25 for European bank cards (Visa and MasterCard) OR 2.5% + €0.25 for UK cards OR 3.25% + €0.25 for international cards + 2% fee for currency conversion
Chargeback fees 7.50 euros 15 euros
Reimbursement costs 0,30 euros

GoCardless vs Stripe: which has the best customer service?

It's hard to separate the two platforms when it comes to customer service. Indeed, Stripe is especially appreciated by its users for the quality of its customer support. It is available 24/7.

It is also accessible via multiple channels:

  • By phone ;

  • By email ;

  • By cat ;

  • Through a discussion forum.

On the other hand, GoCardless' customer support is no match for Stripe. Stripe has already won numerous awards. has received numerous awards, including the best small customer service team in 2021 and the European Contact Center and Customer Service Awards in 2022.

In fact, GoCardless customer support is also available 24/7. Users can also ask questions directly on a forum or help center, and developers have access to resources to support their experience.

Which CMS and platforms do GoCardless and Stripe integrate with?

Stripe integrates with most e-commerce platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

GoCardless also integrates with with over 350 tools in various categories accounting, subscription billing and subscription management.

These include Salesforce, Paypal and Zendesk.

What do they have in common and what are their differences?

Stripe and GoCardless have a lot in common, but they also have their differences.

Common ground

Here's what our two solutions have in common:

  • Quality customer support. Stripe and GoCardless are both renowned for the quality of their customer support.

  • Ease of use but with dedicated development tools for ;

  • Integration with numerous management and e-commerce tools;

  • Transparent pricing.


Here's what sets Stripe and GoCardless apart:

  • Different payment methods. GoCardless operates in direct debit. Stripe is a payment solution reserved for credit card payments.

  • Lower rates for GoCardless;

  • Target difference. GoCardless is better suited to companies with recurring payments. Stripe, on the other hand, is more versatile, and can be adapted to companies from different backgrounds.

  • More advanced integration flexibility for Stripe. While both tools offer development tools, GoCardless' API system enables more advanced customization.

  • Geographical availability. Stripe has a broader reach. It operates in 47 countries. GoCardless, on the other hand, operates mainly in Europe (SEPA zone) and other countries.

The advantages of GoCardless over Stripe

Here are the main advantages of GoCardless over Stripe:

  • Ideal for recurring payments . If your company has a subscription-based payment system, for example, GoCardless will be more suitable. It allows you to automate direct debits from your customers. You'll avoid late payments and unpaid bills.

  • Easy to handle for the average user with no development skills.

The advantages of Stripe over GoCardless

Gocardless has a number of advantages over Stripe:

  • Wider geographical availability;

  • Greater integration possibilities thanks to the API system available, provided you have development skills

  • An instant fundraising system. Processing time is around 3 days on Stripe. With GoCardless, on the other hand, funds are collected at specific intervals. Stripe is therefore better suited to businesses that need immediate access to funds.

  • A more complete suite of payment methods.

What's the alternative to GoCardless and Stripe?


Despite the advantages of GoCardless and Stripe, Hero is positioned as a more complete alternative. It includes a payment solution dedicated to B2B SMEs.

Hero differs from other payment platforms in that it offers digital factoring . In other words, it offers the possibility of obtaining early payment of customer receivables, without having to wait for due dates.

More concretely, when you issue a customer invoice, it undergoes a validation procedure with the payment solution. Once validated, the solution advances payment within 24 hours.

What's more, the solution lets you offer easy payment terms to your customers, in particular fractional and deferred payment. This gives you a powerful selling point for attracting customers without risking your cash flow.

Request a customized quote

In short, GoCardless and Stripe each have their own advantages. They differ in terms of their target audience: GoCardless targets businesses with recurring payments, while Stripe targets a broader audience. Compared with GoCardless et Stripe, is a brand-new, innovative and versatile player: Hero.